30 Days of Gratitude - An Invitation to Breathe

A boxed Deck of 30 Days of Gratitude Cards sitting next to a small pumpkin with the words: 30 Days of Gratitude, an Invitation to Breathe

As we draw closer to the holidays our list of things to do, people to see, things to buy, and places to go all become longer. There are challenges in our world with  pressure from every angle to do more, be more, go and change more.

Here at Whimsicals, we would invite you to enter this season with a perspective that has a bit more breathing room, and a bit more rest.

One of our favorite products was actually born from this very mentality: the 30 Days of Gratitude Card Deck. 

We agree that there is great loveliness to come from a practice of gratitude--being thankful for the simple things in our every day. We also know the suffocating pressure from adding one more thing to a day already so full it is busting at the seams. It is from this understand that a card set beautiful both in aesthetics and practice was created. Each day offers one gratitude quote, and one question to ponder. There is nothing to do, aside from slow down for a moment. In this moment of quiet, we invite you take a deep breath, pause, and be more present with yourself, as we think you are pretty wonderful. 

Not sure how to use it? Here are some ways previous customers have shared with us:

  • Families use it as a prompt/conversation starter around the dinner or breakfast table.
  • A gift sent to parents or grandparents.
  • A beautiful, grounding addition to their desk at work.
  • Set on the nightstand as a way to settle and refocus before bed. 

30 Days of Gratitude Card Set sitting on a wood table in front of a succulent planter

Whether you are looking for a countdown to Thanksgiving, a fun family activity to create some intentionality, or, like us, a gentle pause in your day to find your feet in a season that is all too often filled with more hustle and bustle than we would like, check out this boxed set and tell us what you think!

 30 Days of Gratitude Boxed Deck sitting on a tabletop

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